shannonakeller: Statue at the house of Sharing
shannonakeller: This is artwork outside the Museum. It's a half of the piece. The scultpure represents the visions that the women had for their futures. The open
shannonakeller: The depiction of family on the "Envisioned Future" scultpture.
shannonakeller: The depiction of husband on the "Envisioned Future" scultpture.
shannonakeller: This is artwork outside the Museum. It's a half of the piece. The scultpure represents how the women view how thier lives turned out. You can see b
shannonakeller: The depiction of falling heart on the "Actual Future" scultpture.
shannonakeller: The depiction of the falling bird on the "Actual Future" scultpture.
shannonakeller: Artwork donated to the House of Sharing
shannonakeller: This picture is to remind people that there were many women in North Korea that also were forced into sexual slavery and that we must not forget them
shannonakeller: A larger view of the donated artwork. The majority of the people that visit the House of Sharing are from Japan.
shannonakeller: Representation of the Halmonis at a weekly protest.
shannonakeller: Artwork by one of the Halmoni.
shannonakeller: Artwork by one of the Halmoni.
shannonakeller: Artwork by one of the Halmoni. This one represents her first rape.
shannonakeller: Artwork by one of the Halmoni. This one is called "Punish the Responsible"
shannonakeller: Artwork by one of the Halmoni.
shannonakeller: The hand prints of the Halmoni.
shannonakeller: the handprints of the Halmonis.
shannonakeller: Jamie and Kristin eating lunch
shannonakeller: Jamie and his new friend, sitting next to the Halmoni
shannonakeller: Sitting and chatting with the Halmoni. The woman in the wheelchair is the oldest of the Halmonis. She's 92.
shannonakeller: One of the Halmoni
shannonakeller: One of the Halmoni