travelling two: Palm beer crate; ready for filling
travelling two: A dead spider on Erik's headlamp
travelling two: Not the ideal way to leave Antwerp station but the only way if the lift is broken
travelling two: Erik on the escalator
travelling two: Erik on the escalator
travelling two: Erik & Andrew
travelling two: Warming up for the weekend
travelling two: First beer tasting at a pub
travelling two: Antwerp buildings
travelling two: Erik & his CycleAware mirror
travelling two: Throwing the hand (like the statue) in Antwerp
travelling two: Riding out of Antwerp
travelling two: The beer of the weekend: Corsendonk
travelling two: Andrew & Erik
travelling two: Waffle with strawberries!
travelling two: Erik & Li
travelling two: Erik & Li
travelling two: Erik & Li
travelling two: You have to cycle a bit more before you taste, Erik
travelling two: Westmalle Brewery
travelling two: Erik & Rene - Dutch style
travelling two: Westmalle Brewery
travelling two: Strawberry Vending Machine
travelling two: Beautiful strawberries
travelling two: Strawberry vending machine!
travelling two: Prepared for beer, with a beer crate on the back of the bike
travelling two: Erik feeding the animals by the roadside
travelling two: Li and her bad beer
travelling two: Erik & Andrew on the train