TravelKS: Kaw Valley Farm Tour
TravelKS: Kaw Valley Farm Tour
TravelKS: The "corn bath" at Pendleton's Country Market.
TravelKS: Irrigation pipes upcycled!
TravelKS: A monarch in Pendleton's Butterfly Bio-Villa.
TravelKS: Kaw Valley Farm Tour
TravelKS: The eggplant slingshot. Every once in awhile, the kids shouted "Time out!" and ran to collect their eggplants.
TravelKS: Bridget shows off the perfect pumpkin.
TravelKS: Shamus shows off his perfect pumpkin.
TravelKS: Peaches, one of the Jersey cows living on the Saunders' farm.
TravelKS: Kaw Valley Farm Tour
TravelKS: Kaw Valley Farm Tour
TravelKS: Karen Pendleton guides Jess through the "you-can-only-turn-right" maze.
TravelKS: Hedge apple art . . . AND organic insect repellent!
TravelKS: Kaw Valley Farm Tour