Dana McMahan: Edwina at our cooking class, Riad Merdoudi, Marrakech
Dana McMahan: Tracy takes notes on Arabic
Dana McMahan: Shopping for sardines at the covered market in the Mellah
Dana McMahan: Fish market
Dana McMahan: He will soon meet a tagine
Dana McMahan: Tracy at the market in the Mellah
Dana McMahan: Checking my notes on my (Arabic) shopping list
Dana McMahan: Shopping the covered market in the Mellah
Dana McMahan: Vegetables at the covered market in the Mellah
Dana McMahan: Vegetables at the covered market in the Mellah-1
Dana McMahan: the covered market in the Mellah
Dana McMahan: Vegetables at the covered market in the Mellah-2
Dana McMahan: Cherries at the covered market in the Mellah
Dana McMahan: Fruits at the covered market in the Mellah
Dana McMahan: Fruits at the covered market in the Mellah-1
Dana McMahan: Our class at the covered market in the Mellah
Dana McMahan: Lemons at the covered market in the Mellah
Dana McMahan: Preserved lemons at the covered market in the Mellah
Dana McMahan: Chickpeas
Dana McMahan: At the spice, beans, couscous and nut shop
Dana McMahan: At the spice, beans, couscous and nut shop-1
Dana McMahan: At the spice, beans, couscous and nut shop-2
Dana McMahan: At the spice, beans, couscous and nut shop-3
Dana McMahan: At the spice, beans, couscous and nut shop-4
Dana McMahan: At the spice, beans, couscous and nut shop-5
Dana McMahan: At the spice, beans, couscous and nut shop
Dana McMahan: At the spice, beans, couscous and nut shop-7
Dana McMahan: Couscous
Dana McMahan: The scales at the spice, beans, couscous and nut shop
Dana McMahan: Lentils