Dana McMahan: Truffle stares at me from the backseat hoping I'll let him in my lap
Dana McMahan: Self portrait in the car
Dana McMahan: He really, really really wants to ride in my lap
Dana McMahan: Truffle loves to watch the road go by
Dana McMahan: My first homemade pumpkin pie
Dana McMahan: Our homemade (mock) mincemeat pie
Dana McMahan: Poor Truffle just wants a nibble of turkey
Dana McMahan: The table set with the napkins I brought my mom from Provence
Dana McMahan: My mom's homemade yeast rolls
Dana McMahan: My apple, sage and nut dressing
Dana McMahan: Abby is not happy to have a nap interrupted just for Thanksgiving
Dana McMahan: Fisher gives Truffle a treat
Dana McMahan: Unlike the adults Abby still has plenty of energy after the meal
Dana McMahan: Abby wanted Truffle in the picture
Dana McMahan: Abby and Erika
Dana McMahan: Abby and Erika
Dana McMahan: Brian's new obsession: playing Rook
Dana McMahan: Real butter?
Dana McMahan: Biscuits, fried potatoes, fried apples and fresh mustard greens