martin_kalfatovic: 2010.10.01: Shutdown
martin_kalfatovic: 2013.10.02: Bracing for a Long Battle
martin_kalfatovic: 2013.10.03: Focus shifts to debt-limit deadline
martin_kalfatovic: 2013.10.05: Shutdown's impact continues to grow
martin_kalfatovic: 2013.10.04: Boehner says he won't let the U.S. default
martin_kalfatovic: 2013.10.06: The shrinking middle ground
martin_kalfatovic: 2013.10.07: Boehner is defiant amid risk of default
martin_kalfatovic: 2013.10.08: Democrats push bill to end logjam
martin_kalfatovic: 2013.10.09: Fears of a default weigh on markets
martin_kalfatovic: 2013.10.10: Lew to warn on risk of default
martin_kalfatovic: 2013.10.11: Obama, GOP in dept talks on two fronts
martin_kalfatovic: 2013.10.13: Senate leaders take reins on impasse talks
martin_kalfatovic: 2013.10.12: GOP scrambles for budget deal
martin_kalfatovic: 2013.10.14: Senate leaders' negotiations stall
martin_kalfatovic: 2013.10.15: Senate leaders see deal on horizon
martin_kalfatovic: 2013.10.16: Senate leaders race to draft debt bill
martin_kalfatovic: 2013.10.17: Shutdown Ends