Traveling219: homestead weaver
Traveling219: Homesteader at Tygarts Valley
Traveling219: Homesteaders at Tygarts Valley
Traveling219: House in Tygart Valley
Traveling219: House in Tygart Valley
Traveling219: Houses in Tygart Valley
Traveling219: House in Tygart Valley
Traveling219: dailey post office
Traveling219: Resettlement communities around the country
Traveling219: View of the Tygart Valley Homestead, 1936.
Traveling219: Child at Homestead, 1938.
Traveling219: Homestead Elementary, 1939.
Traveling219: Homesteader, 1939.
Traveling219: TVH Health center, 1939.
Traveling219: Working at the lumber mill, 1941.
Traveling219: Women's club, 1939.
Traveling219: Woman weaving at the TVH, 1936.
Traveling219: Lumber mill at the TVH, 1939.
Traveling219: Leaving the Homestead School, 1941.
Traveling219: Trading center at the homestead, 1939.
Traveling219: Road and Houses at Homestead, 1938.
Traveling219: Spraying crops with children, 1938.
Traveling219: Homestead house, 1939.
Traveling219: Man reading the paper, 1939.
Traveling219: House at the TVH, 1938.