travelationship: Woodstock, NY. Home to some people, but no significant historical event.
travelationship: A selfie in front of Croton Dam.
travelationship: "Love Shadow" Croton Dam.
travelationship: Bridge over Broadleaf Wetland in the Esopus Estuary.
travelationship: Saugerties Lighthouse peeking out from the wetlands in the Esopus Estuary.
travelationship: The pole and light that replaced the Saugerties Lighthouse for a time.
travelationship: The bridge out to Saugerties Lighthouse.
travelationship: Saugerties Lighthouse from the adjoining island.
travelationship: Saugerties Lighthouse from the adjoining island.
travelationship: Saugerties Lighthouse from the shore of the adjoining island.
travelationship: Looking back at Esopus Estuary from the lighthouse.
travelationship: The spillway water fall at the Croton Dam.
travelationship: The Croton Dam, NY.
travelationship: The Natural and Man-made overflow.
travelationship: The cascading overflow of Croton Dam.
travelationship: The New Croton River being held back by the dam.
travelationship: The Natural and Man-made overflow.
travelationship: The New Croton River on its way to meetup with the Hudson.
travelationship: Rossi Rosticceria Deli in Poughkeepsie, NY.
travelationship: One of the meat cases at Rossi Rosticceria Deli in Poughkeepsie, NY.
travelationship: The ribbing I got from the sandwich man at Rossi Rosticceria Deli.