travelationship: Farm house on the outer edge of Machu Picchu.
travelationship: Looking over the cultivation terraces towards Machu Picchu.
travelationship: The other side of the farm house.
travelationship: Cultivation Terraces.
travelationship: Looking over Machu Picchu from the House of the Guardians.
travelationship: Central Plaza with the Artisans' Wall in the background.
travelationship: The Central Plaza, Machu Picchu.
travelationship: Houses of Factories.
travelationship: Houses of Factories.
travelationship: Looking at Huayna Picchu.
travelationship: Large stone doorway, Machu Picchu.
travelationship: Staircase, Machu Picchu.
travelationship: Machu Picchu.
travelationship: Temple of the Three Windows.
travelationship: Machu Picchu.
travelationship: Machu Picchu.
travelationship: Llama at the Sun Gate.
travelationship: Machu Picchu.
travelationship: Machu Picchu from Huayna Picchu.
travelationship: Steps up Huayna Picchu.
travelationship: Crazy Stairs.
travelationship: Machu Picchu from Huayna Picchu.
travelationship: Looking down on the Urubamba River from Huayna Picchu.
travelationship: Remains of a house on Huayna Picchu.
travelationship: Stairs up Huayna Picchu.
travelationship: The Moon Temple.
travelationship: Doorway at the Moon Gate.
travelationship: Temple of the Moon.