travelationship: Maynard getting ready for a day on the water
travelationship: A demo cage
travelationship: Gansbaai shark boats
travelationship: Maynard physced for a day on the water
travelationship: Glinda and Maynard ready to launch
travelationship: Freezing Selfie
travelationship: Glinda in her form fitting dive suit
travelationship: Divers in the cage
travelationship: Maynard with a Quad Squad guy
travelationship: Great White
travelationship: Great White
travelationship: Spotter on the dive boat
travelationship: Great White
travelationship: Stinky fish heads to attract sharks
travelationship: Looking out from Gansbaai
travelationship: Selfie with Walkers Bay, South Africa