travelationship: Love Shadow on Magens Bay Beach.
travelationship: Looking out over Magens Bay.
travelationship: Glinda strolling down Magens Bay Beach.
travelationship: Fort Christian Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas.
travelationship: Main Street of Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas.
travelationship: Maynard paddle boarding in Bolongo Bay.
travelationship: Catching some rays like everyone else.
travelationship: Rocks on the edge of Bolongo Bay.
travelationship: Bolongo Bay Beach Resort, St Thomas.
travelationship: Maynard getting some much needed sun.
travelationship: Breakfast at The Lobster Grill, Bolongo Bay Resort.
travelationship: Diving at The Cow off St Thomas.
travelationship: Diving at the Shelf off Little St Johns.
travelationship: Maynard diving at The Shelves off of Little St Johns.
travelationship: Sea Snail.
travelationship: Love Shadows, Bolongo Bay.