trasiegu: #1768 desde Les Bedules [San Juan de Beleñu] [Explore!!]
trasiegu: #1761 desde Les Bedules [San Juan de Beleñu] [Explore!!]
trasiegu: #1392 my pinhole cam T-shirt!! [Explore!!]
trasiegu: #0917 Boqueria market from la Rambla [BCN] [Explore!!]
trasiegu: #0900 Cuevas del Mar [Nueva, Asturias] [Explore!!]
trasiegu: #0847 unwritten words are gone with the wind [Explore!!]
trasiegu: #0832 encircled tree [Explore!!]
trasiegu: #0826 Sagrada Familia [Explore!!]
trasiegu: #0819 Memento homo, quia pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris (2) [Explore!!]
trasiegu: #0700 Piazza 9 Aprile,Taormina (with ghost!) [Explore!!]
trasiegu: #0696 there are other worlds, but they are in this one (10) [Paul Éluard] [Explore!!]
trasiegu: #0687 there are other worlds, but they are in this one (7) [Paul Éluard] [Explore!!]
trasiegu: #0684 there are other worlds, but they are in this one (5) [Paul Éluard] [Explore!!]
trasiegu: #0537 I work here! [Explore!!]
trasiegu: #1863 Sagrada Familia [BCN] [Explore!!]
trasiegu: #1870 Revela'T Festival group photo [Explore!!]