trasiegu: #0514 Sagrada Familia
trasiegu: #0544 Seu Vella (Lleida)
trasiegu: #0546 Ana Ongay leather whorkshop (BCN)
trasiegu: #0547 Agbar tower (BCN)
trasiegu: #0549 long steps
trasiegu: #0556 Gaudi's wrought iron door to the stable of Finca Güell (BCN)
trasiegu: #0598 Plaça Major [Vic]
trasiegu: #0625 corner
trasiegu: #0633 Poble Sec view of BCN
trasiegu: #0636 Teatre Nacional de Catalunya [BCN]
trasiegu: #0641 Casa de Les Punxes [BCN]
trasiegu: #0648 BCN's port from Poble Sec viewpoint
trasiegu: #0656 Santuari de Santa Eulàlia [BCN]
trasiegu: #0658 BCN from Turó de la Rovira
trasiegu: #0659 Sala Cava. Can Basté [BCN]
trasiegu: #0660 pinholers in front of Can Basté [BCN]
trasiegu: #0662 there are other worlds, but they are in this one (1)
trasiegu: #0663 there are other worlds, but they are in this one (2) [Paul Éluard]
trasiegu: #0664 there are other worlds, but they are in this one (3) [Paul Éluard]
trasiegu: #0673 a reason to be out of home (. . .and Flickr!) for a while (1)
trasiegu: #0674 a reason to be out of home (. . .and Flickr!) for a while (2)
trasiegu: #0675 a reason to be out of home (. . .and Flickr!) for a while (3)
trasiegu: #0676 there are other worlds, but they are in this one (4) [Paul Éluard]
trasiegu: #0679 pinholed group portrait
trasiegu: #0680 my first pinholed lunargraphy
trasiegu: #0684 there are other worlds, but they are in this one (5) [Paul Éluard] [Explore!!]
trasiegu: #0685 there are other worlds, but they are in this one (6) [Paul Éluard]
trasiegu: #0686 Here comes the sun!
trasiegu: #0691 glasshouse
trasiegu: #0692 metal ribs