traqair57: Glade Creek Mill in Winter
traqair57: Epiphany 1C - psalm 29
traqair57: Epiphany 1C - Psalm 29 color
traqair57: Epiph02col
traqair57: Epiph2
traqair57: EP2c
traqair57: Epiphany 2
traqair57: Penguin Upload
traqair57: Lenten Cross
traqair57: Sacred Heart
traqair57: Epiphany 3C - Psalm 19
traqair57: Lent Changes Everything
traqair57: Epiphany 3c color
traqair57: Epiphany 3C
traqair57: Epiphany 3 kids
traqair57: Jesus heals Widow
traqair57: Jesus Heals the Widow
traqair57: Son of Man, Sin of Man
traqair57: Lent 01 Psalm 91
traqair57: Gargoyle of Golgotha
traqair57: The Snow Maiden
traqair57: Lent3C
traqair57: Passover King
traqair57: Beginning
traqair57: Beginningbordered
traqair57: Betrayed Bordered
traqair57: Betrayed
traqair57: Empty Sky
traqair57: Empty Sky Bordered
traqair57: Maundy Thursday