Trapped in Matter: Roadside Sign
Trapped in Matter: Entrance to the Theosophical Society's National Center
Trapped in Matter: Theosophical Society Logo
Trapped in Matter: National Center for the Theosophical Society in America
Trapped in Matter: Theosophical Society
Trapped in Matter: Theosophical Society
Trapped in Matter: Theosophy Co-Founders
Trapped in Matter: Mural From Second Floor
Trapped in Matter: Theosophical Society
Trapped in Matter: Theospohical Society
Trapped in Matter: Painting Above Fireplace
Trapped in Matter: Theosophical Society
Trapped in Matter: Theosophical Society
Trapped in Matter: Cobra and lotus candle holder
Trapped in Matter: More Relics
Trapped in Matter: More More Relics
Trapped in Matter: Theosophical Library
Trapped in Matter: Candlestick - Detail
Trapped in Matter: Candlestick - Detail
Trapped in Matter: Manley P. Hall Section
Trapped in Matter: Books Galore!
Trapped in Matter: Annie Besant
Trapped in Matter: Painting of H. P. Blavatsky
Trapped in Matter: TheosoFest 2007
Trapped in Matter: Quest Book Shop
Trapped in Matter: TheosoFest 2007