Let There Be Snow: magic Tahoe ◄reloaded►
Let There Be Snow: ...til death do we ride...
Let There Be Snow: around Tahoe...
Let There Be Snow: magic Tahoe
Let There Be Snow: Tahoe rider
Let There Be Snow: no regrets! ride on...
Let There Be Snow: so we got a little bit of snow these days...
Let There Be Snow: The Washoe called it "The Lake of the Sky".
Let There Be Snow: Lake Tahoe from the woods
Let There Be Snow: Snow Warrior (and yes, another day @ the office)
Let There Be Snow: another day @ the office
Let There Be Snow: Happy New Year 2008 !!!
Let There Be Snow: another day @ the office
Let There Be Snow: Lake Tahoe
Let There Be Snow: after the storm
Let There Be Snow: The Towers
Let There Be Snow: prepared 4 da scary storm
Let There Be Snow: Lake Tahoe & surroundings
Let There Be Snow: getting nostalgic... while waiting for snowy times
Let There Be Snow: snow @ Tahoe
Let There Be Snow: hide and seek
Let There Be Snow: Lake Tahoe
Let There Be Snow: clearing up