transpixt: Bumblebee on yellow thistle [3252]
transpixt: Pollen on pond [3294]
transpixt: Fowler's Toad (Bufo fowleri) near the Woodland Marsh trail [3015]
transpixt: Black Duck Trail [3379]
transpixt: Black Duck Trail [3376]
transpixt: Black Duck Trail [3393]
transpixt: Black Duck Trail [3386]
transpixt: Black Duck Trail [3384]
transpixt: Great Egret (Casmerodius albus) hunched in the grasses
transpixt: Lacy flourishes form and dissipate
transpixt: Waiting for a Delmarva fox squirrel to appear again
transpixt: The mother, a Canada goose (Branta canadensis)
transpixt: Great egret (Ardea alba) on the hunt
transpixt: Great egret (Ardea alba) going after a meal
transpixt: [3258]
transpixt: Chincoteague pony, a feral horse that lives exclusively on Assateague Island
transpixt: Mare and her foal grazing on tender marsh greens
transpixt: Finding instead an eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) frozen mid-nibble next to me
transpixt: Great egret (Ardea alba) going after a meal