transmediale: Burial Ceremony by Evan Roth at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: "alien matter", transmediale special exhibition 2017
transmediale: The 3D Additivist Cookbook by Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: Xenopolitics #1: Petro-bodies and Geopolitics of Hormones by aliens in green at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: Xenopolitics #1: Petro-bodies and Geopolitics of Hormones by aliens in green at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: Xenopolitics #1: Petro-bodies and Geopolitics of Hormones by aliens in green at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: An Internet by Jeroen van Loon in the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: An Internet by Jeroen van Loon in the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: HFT The Gardener by Suzanne Treister at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: Swoon Motion by Katja Novitskova at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: Artificial Intelligence for Governance, the Kitty AI by Pinar Yoldas at "alien matter"
transmediale: Predictive Art Bot by Nicolas Maigret and Maria Roszkowska at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: Predictive Art Bot by Nicolas Maigret and Maria Roszkowska at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: Video Palace #44 – The Hidden Universe by Joep van Liefland at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: Video Palace #44 – The Hidden Universe by Joep van Liefland at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: Hard Body Trade by Ignas Krunglevičius at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: The 3D Additivist Cookbook by Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: LIUC_TRANSMEDIALE_HKW_169
transmediale: Man Made by Ami Drach (1963-2012) & Dov Ganchrow (part of The 3D Additivist Cookbook) at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: The 3D Additivist Cookbook by Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: The Evolution of the Spermalege by Joey Holder (part of The 3D Additivist Cookbook) at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: Protekto.x.x. by Johannes Paul Raether at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: Protekto.x.x. by Johannes Paul Raether at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: Protekto.x.x. by Johannes Paul Raether at the exhibition "alien matter"
transmediale: "alien matter", transmediale special exhibition 2017
transmediale: "alien matter", transmediale special exhibition 2017
transmediale: "alien matter", transmediale special exhibition 2017
transmediale: "alien matter", transmediale special exhibition 2017
transmediale: "alien matter", transmediale special exhibition 2017
transmediale: HFT The Gardener by Suzanne Treister at the exhibition "alien matter"