transluminate: SBH Bolt Climb, Justin Lefevre
transluminate: Fisher Ridge Cave System, Lonely Hearts Club Domepit complex, Elliot Stahl, Justin Lefevre
transluminate: Colonial Coral in Lonely Hearts Club Pit Complex
transluminate: Steve Gladieux sketches in the Lonely Hearts Club Domepit
transluminate: Pit Eats Floor "Ropes Course", Ronnie Harrison, Hazel Barton, Elliot Stahl, Steve Gladeiux
transluminate: Flowstone in the Pit Eats Floor complex, Ronnie Harrison
transluminate: The Missing Link Borehole, Fisher Ridge Cave System, Ronnie Harrison, (invisible) Hazel Barton
transluminate: Fisher Ridge Cave System, The Missing Link Borehole, Steve Gladieux, Hazel Barton, Ronnie Harrison, Elliot Stahl
transluminate: Colonial Coral in Lonely Hearts Club Pit Complex
transluminate: Fisher Ridge, the Newly Discovered Lonely Hearts club Pit Complex, Elliot Stahl, Justin Lefevre