transluminate: Ronnie watches Alex Seidel climb down from the Wonder Hole into the KK survey
transluminate: Pile of swaygos below the wonderhole.
transluminate: Alex Seidel Emerging from the Wonder Hole
transluminate: Ronnie Harrison emerging from the Wonder Hole
transluminate: Ronnie asleep in the wonder hole.
transluminate: Jonathan studies a map
transluminate: Alex climbing out of the stream passage at the end of the U Survey
transluminate: Arkadas measuring virgin passage in the UV survey
transluminate: Ronnie Harrison boils some water
transluminate: Arkadas looks comfortable...
transluminate: Arkadas looking bright-eyed after a couple hours sleep in a space blanket
transluminate: "Happy" campers in 'very mini' camp. We grabbed a couple hours shuteye while wrapped in space blankets.
transluminate: Human Burritos and the real thing
transluminate: Sean Lewis in his trash bag Bivvy
transluminate: Jonathan in "very mini" camp
transluminate: Arkadas Ozakin climbs up from the ledge at the U106 Pit
transluminate: Joe Rhoades descends the U106 Pit