Chuck Gerber: My spooky neighbor's place
Chuck Gerber: Altho hellish evenings are possible ......
Chuck Gerber: yet another evening and yet another shot of the hilltop neighbor
Chuck Gerber: the ground rumbles - the windows shake
Chuck Gerber: Fine evening dining
Chuck Gerber: " It's yours for the taking"
Chuck Gerber: yes it does rain in so cal .........
Chuck Gerber: Peace in the Valley .......
Chuck Gerber: Stage 2 ascending - Stage 1 descending
Chuck Gerber: Double rainbow ......
Chuck Gerber: Super Blue Blood Moon rising .....
Chuck Gerber: End of Southern Lompoc look......
Chuck Gerber: Apple satellite launched by Space X
Chuck Gerber: God's rays meets Spooky Neighbor's Place....
Chuck Gerber: This year too --- had us some good sunsets lately
Chuck Gerber: My spooky neighbor finds religion.....
Chuck Gerber: The Cross or the Burning Bush.....
Chuck Gerber: Sun sets over the boneyard.....
Chuck Gerber: Burning bush keeps talking to me....
Chuck Gerber: Who needs leprechauns when you've got a Cross....