Harold Hull:
090820. Leyland. UID 390 (3)
Harold Hull:
090820. LEYLAND 47712 & 47580. 5Z42 to Appleby (22)
Harold Hull:
090820. LEYLAND 47712 & 47580. 5Z42 to Appleby (17)
Harold Hull:
090820. LEYLAND 47712 & 47580. 5Z42 to Appleby (15)
Harold Hull:
090820. LEYLAND 47712 & 47580. 5Z42 to Appleby (12)
Harold Hull:
090820. LEYLAND 47712 & 47580. 5Z42 to Appleby (3)
Harold Hull:
090820. Leyland 397008heads north (3)
Harold Hull:
090820. Leyland 397006 heads south (6)
Harold Hull:
090820. Leyland. 331006 leads 331022 (1)
Harold Hull:
190720. Leyland (16) 331028
Harold Hull:
190720. Leyland (14) 331012
Harold Hull:
190720 Leyland 57312 0S08 to Kilmarnock (4)
Harold Hull:
190720. Leyland 66601 Hope Valley TNT 66606 6x36 to Crewe (11)
Harold Hull:
190720. Leyland 66601 Hope Valley TNT 66606 6x36 to Crewe (10)
Harold Hull:
190720. Leyland (10) 331013 7 331026
Harold Hull:
190720. Leyland (8) 331026
Harold Hull:
190720. Leyland (7) 331013 & 331026
Harold Hull:
190720. Leyland. 37521 TNT 47593 (38)
Harold Hull:
190720. Leyland. 37521 TNT 47593 (23)
Harold Hull:
190720. Leyland. 37521 TNT 47593 (8)
Harold Hull:
190720. Leyland (5)195119
Harold Hull:
190720. Leyland (3) 331021
Harold Hull:
190720. Leyland (2) 331027
Harold Hull:
160720. Leyland (12) 390123
Harold Hull:
160720. Leyland (13) 390123
Harold Hull:
160720. Leyland (11) 331020
Harold Hull:
160720. Leyland (10) 331004
Harold Hull:
160720. Leyland (6)
Harold Hull:
160720. Leyland (7) 66768
Harold Hull:
160720. Leyland (6) 66768