www.atgof.cymru: UK Weather. Aberystwyth seafront takes a battering as a huge sea and gale force wind lashes the mid Wales coast
www.atgof.cymru: UK Weather. Aberystwyth seafront takes a battering as a huge sea and gale force wind lashes the mid Wales coast
www.atgof.cymru: UK Weather. Aberystwyth seafront takes a battering as a huge sea and gale force wind lashes the mid Wales coast
www.atgof.cymru: UK Weather. Aberystwyth seafront takes a battering as a huge sea and gale force wind lashes the mid Wales coast
www.atgof.cymru: Storm - Aberystwyth - 23 - 12 - 2014
www.atgof.cymru: UK Weather. Aberystwyth seafront takes a battering as a huge sea and gale force wind lashes the mid Wales coast
www.atgof.cymru: gale3-7906
www.atgof.cymru: UK Weather. Aberystwyth seafront takes a second battering as a rough sea and gale force winds continue to lash the mid Wales coast
www.atgof.cymru: UK Weather. Aberystwyth seafront takes a second battering as a rough sea and gale force winds continue to lash the mid Wales coast
www.atgof.cymru: Christmas present via the Daily Telegraph. I know I shouldn't, but I do feel "chuffed". Anrheg Nadolig hyfryd heddiw dioch i'r Telegraph a fy asiantaeth lluniau.