StarrGazr: Dunn Loring Metro
StarrGazr: Metro Platform Textures and Patterns
StarrGazr: Arriving in DC
StarrGazr: Security Tower on the Mall
StarrGazr: Press Booth
StarrGazr: On the Mall
StarrGazr: On the Mall
StarrGazr: Happy Faces Everywhere
StarrGazr: Out on the Mall
StarrGazr: Out on the Mall
StarrGazr: Port-a-Pottys
StarrGazr: Arrest Bush
StarrGazr: Forest Whitaker Speaks on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
StarrGazr: Washinton Monument
StarrGazr: America's Washington
StarrGazr: Pilgrimage
StarrGazr: Lincoln Memorial
StarrGazr: Washington Monument
StarrGazr: Out Of Many One
StarrGazr: A Stroll on the Mall
StarrGazr: A Stroll on the Mall
StarrGazr: Washington Monument
StarrGazr: Lincoln Memorial
StarrGazr: A Stroll on the Mall
StarrGazr: May I Take Your Photograph?
StarrGazr: MLK Day in DC
StarrGazr: MLK Day in DC
StarrGazr: MLK Day in DC
StarrGazr: MLK Day in DC
StarrGazr: MLK Day in DC