tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
blues & yellow
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
little flowers
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
Flower on wall.
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
1 Tilted pink flower.
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
Blue bell unopened
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
flower ring
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
Flower & bug
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
Sign with sky
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
Sophie cat
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
Sophie cat
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
wasp on flower
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
Daisy's in a circle
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
close up
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
1 flower and bud
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
Tired Cat Penny
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
Tinted Paper weight
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
Inside of a flower
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
close up
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
Lilac flowers.
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
Mary and the Christ Child. Rochester Cathedral
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
paper weight
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
Trying to hide.
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
White petals.
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
tracyhughes2_7. CPAGB LRPS:
Circle of white.