tracy the astonishing:
View from the Nokia office in Cambridge
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Boston airport
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All our luggage--heading home
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Justine and Tracy
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Vigo and SIenna
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Backyard Pool!
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Vigo teaching Sienna how to play Rush Hour
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Fireworks as seen from the Cambridge Nokia Office
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Justine, Josh, and Sienna
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Vigo and Josh
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Pool time
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The pool saved us on some damnably hot days
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Brian and Aaron's new back yard
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You can't even tell there used to be a decrepit inground pool here.
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Brian and Aaron's new back yard
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Brian and Aaron, handsome devils
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Hanging out at Judy's with Maria, Brian, Macky, and Aaron. Jen and Loden were also there, just not in this picture.
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Judy and Dave's chickens
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American grocery stores amaze me. Isotonics is its own section now.
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DJ Suisman at our reunion party in Manhattan
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Tourquois trouser troupe, getting some ice cream after a day at the Met.
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Rama, Dlisa, and Vigo hanging out at the Met
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Subway Savvy
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Vigo and I walked about 26 blocks in intermittent rain one night in Manhattan. I got a blister and had to walk the last 10 blocks barefoot. The streets in Manhattan are really clean! Especially after a rainy day.
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Vigo wanted to walk back to where we were staying because, "It's cool to walk at night in the city that never sleeps."
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Brian and Vigo, looking cool in Williamsburg
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Williamsburg street art tiles
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Williamsburg street art crochet
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Williamsburg street art crochet
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Williamsburg is a suburb of Portland