tracy the astonishing: Michael and Justine
tracy the astonishing: IMG_0446.JPG
tracy the astonishing: Erik climbing up
tracy the astonishing: hood ornament
tracy the astonishing: rough housing
tracy the astonishing: Dragon and Erik split a lobster
tracy the astonishing: the water was warmer at Echo Lake
tracy the astonishing: hanging out at Echo Lake
tracy the astonishing: skinny boy
tracy the astonishing: Justine and Micheal
tracy the astonishing: vigo covering himself with sand
tracy the astonishing: Vigo and Dragon get a ride in the Mini convertible
tracy the astonishing: Breakfast truck gull
tracy the astonishing: KOA playground
tracy the astonishing: Dragon playing BBall with some kids at the campground
tracy the astonishing: KOA Bar Harbor
tracy the astonishing: still in the water
tracy the astonishing: running in the waves
tracy the astonishing: on the beach
tracy the astonishing: the Atlantic