ttelfair: Can you stop with the pictures now?
ttelfair: Drifting off
ttelfair: Rebel in dreamland
ttelfair: I'm so tired!
ttelfair: Rebel, smile!
ttelfair: Golly Geez!
ttelfair: My dog Rebel
ttelfair: Love and patience!
ttelfair: It's Okay!
ttelfair: DSCF6776
ttelfair: DSCF6780
ttelfair: DSCF6781
ttelfair: DSCF6782
ttelfair: rebel-on-porch-snowing021906-2
ttelfair: rebel-on-porch-snowing021906-1
ttelfair: My dog Rebel... My best friend.
ttelfair: rebel-burrrrr021906
ttelfair: rebel-021906