ttelfair: sandpiper strolling along
ttelfair: Feeling the ocean breezes...
ttelfair: Pelicans and other birds floating along
ttelfair: Cow in a pasture...
ttelfair: Just hanging out.
ttelfair: butterfly-clsup
ttelfair: I see you!
ttelfair: Cat on Pt Fermin cliffs
ttelfair: Kern Valley, CA Ranching
ttelfair: Deer - it just passed in front of my car
ttelfair: black widow
ttelfair: The great escape...
ttelfair: Cows lazing around...
ttelfair: pelicans floating on the water
ttelfair: Rebel-at-lake04
ttelfair: bird-in-flight
ttelfair: Is anybody out there?
ttelfair: DSCF4929
ttelfair: Talk, talk.. talk...
ttelfair: Lone seagull on California beach
ttelfair: Bird shot in Kern Valley Bird Reserve ?
ttelfair: Seagull and lamp post closeup
ttelfair: Water looks cold!
ttelfair: black widow closeup
ttelfair: Squirrel checking out campground
ttelfair: Cow sitting in the shade.
ttelfair: Segull taking a stroll
ttelfair: sandpiper
ttelfair: DSCF2668
ttelfair: Sandpiper