Awwalker1: The Lovell radio telescope at Jodrell Bank, Cheshire
Awwalker1: The Lovell radio telescope at Jodrell Bank, Cheshire
Awwalker1: Support tower on Lovell radio telescope, Jodrell Bank
Awwalker1: Underside of Lovell radio telescope dish, Jodrell Bank
Awwalker1: Transit bogie on rail track at base of Lovell radio telescope, Jodrell Bank
Awwalker1: Brake arrangement on transit bogies, Lovell radio telescope, Jodrell Bank
Awwalker1: Lovell radio telescope at Jodrell Bank, Cheshire, showing support tower with personnel elevator shaft
Awwalker1: Intricate support cradle of Lovell radio telescope, Jodrell Bank
Awwalker1: Lovell radio telescope support tower with rail-mounted transit bogies