tracilawson: The Vehicle Assembly Building
tracilawson: Some rocket display in the Visitors Center
tracilawson: Block P on the floor of the Vehicle Assembly Building
tracilawson: The Vehicle Assembly Building, looking up
tracilawson: Side of Atlantis
tracilawson: I'm not sure which shuttle this is.
tracilawson: Welcome Aboard Atlantis
tracilawson: Welcome Aboard Atlantis
tracilawson: Nose of Atlantis
tracilawson: Side of Atlantis
tracilawson: That's how thick the wall is!
tracilawson: Atlantis' wing
tracilawson: I'm not sure what this is.
tracilawson: Heat shield tiles
tracilawson: Atlantis' belly
tracilawson: The launch pad
tracilawson: 1999 Purdue AAMB Baritone section shirt with Neil Armstrong