traceyrose: Happy to be in Chicago!
traceyrose: Sweet binary clock in Euphy's living room
traceyrose: Happy times
traceyrose: Me and Nat
traceyrose: Where should we go?
traceyrose: Smooching on the bus
traceyrose: My first glimpse of the Sears tower in years
traceyrose: Art deco door
traceyrose: One of my favorite paintings of all time
traceyrose: Euphenia with Cubist sculpture
traceyrose: Detail of my favorite Monet painting
traceyrose: More Monet
traceyrose: Some really serious pondering going on
traceyrose: Chillin in the Monet room
traceyrose: Sweet hallway at the Art Institute
traceyrose: I think a Marcel Duchamp sculpture
traceyrose: Playing at the Art Institute
traceyrose: Amazing how real I look
traceyrose: Nat con Frank Stella
traceyrose: AIC cafe chillin 1/3
traceyrose: AIC cafe chillin 2/3
traceyrose: AIC cafe chillin 3/3
traceyrose: One of my faves, Smurfit-Stone Bldg
traceyrose: Fountains in Millenium Park
traceyrose: The Bean
traceyrose: Our reflection in the Bean
traceyrose: Bean from a distance
traceyrose: View 1 from Euphenia's rooftop
traceyrose: View 2 from Euphenia's rooftop
traceyrose: Eating bagels and looking at Gap Ads