tracey_t: Blair
tracey_t: Sporting Flowers
tracey_t: Blair and Kathy
tracey_t: Blair and Drew
tracey_t: Lindsay
tracey_t: Friends
tracey_t: Lindsay
tracey_t: Blair and his Grandma
tracey_t: Boys and Mom
tracey_t: The Boys and Their Grandma
tracey_t: Drew and Nicole
tracey_t: Lindsay and her mom at the Salon
tracey_t: Nicole's turn for hair and makeup
tracey_t: Curls for everyone!
tracey_t: Fun!
tracey_t: Curls!
tracey_t: Girls at the Salon
tracey_t: I've never gotten curls to stay before
tracey_t: Bride's Hair
tracey_t: Reception hall
tracey_t: Cake!
tracey_t: Strawberries!
tracey_t: Cake!
tracey_t: Me all dolled up
tracey_t: The Dress
tracey_t: Lindsay
tracey_t: Looking good!
tracey_t: Dress fussing
tracey_t: Lindsay
tracey_t: Pose!