tracey_t: Dad in Muir Woods
tracey_t: Twisty tree.
tracey_t: Moss
tracey_t: Circle of trees
tracey_t: Little Green Clovers
tracey_t: Muir Woods
tracey_t: Wes, Mom and I.
tracey_t: Wes, Dad and I pose with the trees
tracey_t: Mom, Dad, and Wes at Muir Woods
tracey_t: Walking to Muir woods
tracey_t: Everyone loves trees!
tracey_t: Mom at Brunch
tracey_t: Wes does his best Dad photo face
tracey_t: Dad and Wes
tracey_t: Wes checks his texts
tracey_t: Mom, Dad and Wes at the Chinatown gate.
tracey_t: The Bridge from the Bay
tracey_t: The Bridge from the Bay
tracey_t: The Bridge from the Bay
tracey_t: Sailboat!
tracey_t: Wes and the Bridge
tracey_t: Wes!
tracey_t: Chinese New Year Parade
tracey_t: City Lights
tracey_t: Dad and Wes
tracey_t: Wes and I
tracey_t: Broken Tree
tracey_t: More little clovers
tracey_t: Mom and a fallen tree