Tom Q: Windows on Washington
Tom Q: On the Shoulders of Giants...
Tom Q: Looking for a Name
Tom Q: Behind Bars
Tom Q: Death Ad Infinitum
Tom Q: Exit Stage Right
Tom Q: Remembrance Wreath
Tom Q: Toy Soldier
Tom Q: Reflecting Pool
Tom Q: Wings over Washington
Tom Q: Oval Office
Tom Q: Pennsylvania Avenue Pillars
Tom Q: Looking Towards the Entrance
Tom Q: Stair Shadows I
Tom Q: RFK
Tom Q: Way Out
Tom Q: Shadow Portrait
Tom Q: Around The Block
Tom Q: Tree Truck
Tom Q: The Long Walk
Tom Q: AA1444
Tom Q: Fins
Tom Q: Iced Silver
Tom Q: Orange American
Tom Q: Triangulation
Tom Q: Repetitive Roofline
Tom Q: Grey on Green
Tom Q: We'll ride down baby into this tunnel of love