Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Main gate and moat bridge
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Detail from main gate
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Wooden houses
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Wooden houses
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Wall section and guard tower
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Wooden house
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Wooden houses
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Guard tower with intact roof
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Produce market
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Squash still life
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Squash still life
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Wooden buildings
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Wooden house
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Stone house
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Brick house flanked by wooden houses
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Closer view of brick and stone house
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Interesting angle
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Detail of garage and wooden house
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Wooden houses
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Beer garden
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Detail of corner stone element on a wooden house
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Wooden house
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Garden wall with wooden houses
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Garden wall and gates with wooden houses
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Carpenter frog
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Wooden house with window boxes
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Closer view of window boxes
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Wooden house
Terry Pridemore Worldwide Photography:
Castle entrance