The Trust for Public Land: NPS ranger Corinne Fenner gives a nature talk at Congaree National Park
The Trust for Public Land: Visitors walk out of John Brown's Fort at Harpers Ferry National Historic Park
The Trust for Public Land: The Battle of Lookout Mountain by James Walker, 1864
The Trust for Public Land: NPS ranger Corinne Fenner gives a nature talk at Congaree National Park
The Trust for Public Land: Two women sit on boulders in the autumn sunshine overlooking the Shenandoah River
The Trust for Public Land: The National League of Colored Women visited the John Brown Fort in 1896
The Trust for Public Land: Murphy Farm sits in open fields surrounded by autumn forests
The Trust for Public Land: The Brotherton Cabin at Chickamauga Battlefield in Georgia
The Trust for Public Land: TPL staff member Lauren Gellatly walks along a wooden walkway at Congaree National Park
The Trust for Public Land: Reenactor Donald Tatum on Missionary Ridge
The Trust for Public Land: The vast fields at Murphy Farm surrounded by autumn forests
The Trust for Public Land: Children take nature notes from a ranger
The Trust for Public Land: Interior hallway at Monroe School in Topeka
The Trust for Public Land: A Gallatin National Forest interpretive sign stands at Daisy Pass with Crown Butte Mountain behind
The Trust for Public Land: The Blossom Music Center, Home of The Cleveland Orchestra
The Trust for Public Land: Autumn colors and high waters at Brandywine Falls in Cuyahoga Valley National Park
The Trust for Public Land: A field of wild grasses and wildflowers where the Richfiled Coliseum once stood
The Trust for Public Land: Two people walk up a path on the JB White property
The Trust for Public Land: A weathered mining cabin teeters on the edge of a shaft in the New World Mining District
The Trust for Public Land: A female backpacker takes a rest and enjoys the vast view down to Lake Tahoe
The Trust for Public Land: A photographer takes an evening photo at the old Richfield Coliseum site
The Trust for Public Land: Two men hike the Appalachian Trail on Crocker Mountain
The Trust for Public Land: A visitor walks up a path through spring trees at Kennesaw Mountain NBP
The Trust for Public Land: A hiker arrives on the rocky summit of Stowe Mountain
The Trust for Public Land: A backpacker on a trail above Lower Sardine Lake
The Trust for Public Land: Craig Matthews fishes the Madison River
The Trust for Public Land: A female hiker from the waist down stands on a stump to view the Sierra forest
The Trust for Public Land: So pretty it totally looks fake
The Trust for Public Land: Low-res only: Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge