Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
2. The lyrics to "The Swallow."
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
3. The lyrics to "The Swallow."
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
1. Talking through last minute details back stage.
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
9. The narration begins.
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
6. The adventurers set sail.
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
5. "The Swallow" sails the seas looking for quests low and high.
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
7. There was a storm. The storm was a hurricane.
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
8. The Cat Quest
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
10. The Cat Quest.
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
11. The Cat Family!
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
12. The Cat Family!
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
13. Danger! Pirates!
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
14. The pirates trapped the Cat Family in a volcano!
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
15. Lava-resistant rescue vehicles are here to save the day!
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
16. The crew of The Swallow sets sail with the stars to guide them.
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
17. The Rabbit Quest!
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
18. There were marooned rabbits!
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
19. The Rabbit Family!
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
21. Selkies to the rescue!
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
20. Selkies to the rescue!
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
22. The selkies reasoned with the sharks!
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
23. The Swallow, filled with joyous song, sailed on.
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
24. And they had everything they would need.
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
25. The end.
Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School:
26. The puppeteers.