tpcat: 在早上細雨之中的排隊人龍 The queue in the morning for CWT
tpcat: 可愛的讀者美眉 Lovely Readers!
tpcat: 隔壁Viva的攤~Next to me is my friend Viva's stall!
tpcat: 寫小說的學妹簽名中 My friend signing for a reader
tpcat: 從樓上偷拍自己的攤位 My stall from upstairs!
tpcat: 從樓上拍下來蠻壯觀的 A overview of the comic con
tpcat: 捲貓和兔子愛情故事 Me and my rabbit love stories chinese version
tpcat: 鄰居大衛先生的插畫很漂亮 My neighbor David and his illustration book
tpcat: 11-7 攤~A stall called 11-7
tpcat: 散場後的CWT . The comic con is over!