Cyberoptix™: Ghostly International tie (331)
Cyberoptix™: whiplash tie - engine repeat
Cyberoptix™: pheasant309
Cyberoptix™: inkblot
Cyberoptix™: military tie - vintage WWII patch (257)
Cyberoptix™: sweatshop397
Cyberoptix™: sweatshop415
Cyberoptix™: Sweatshop Boys (439)
Cyberoptix™: sweatshop_boys539
Cyberoptix™: Whiplash - Engine pattern tie
Cyberoptix™: Whiplash 1
Cyberoptix™: dethlab_int1
Cyberoptix™: dethlab + stenciled rubber tie
Cyberoptix™: scrolls and spots
Cyberoptix™: scroll_tie3
Cyberoptix™: LIT_nov05_043x
Cyberoptix™: march134sass
Cyberoptix™: Ben wearing Cyberoptix HeartAttack tie
Cyberoptix™: Ben wearing Cyberoptix GasMask tie
Cyberoptix™: Ben wearing Cyberoptix HeartAttack tie
Cyberoptix™: Ben wearing Cyberoptix WWII tie
Cyberoptix™: Ben in TieLab Burnout tie
Cyberoptix™: Dethlab plays records at IPM
Cyberoptix™: DethLab at the Masonic
Cyberoptix™: jon, for Cyberoptix TieLab (ExLibris tie) + J.Lindeberg shirt
Cyberoptix™: (to edit, not done)Bombs Away tie + WWII officer jacket, Cyberoptix TieLab
Cyberoptix™: The Hunt (to edit, not done)
Cyberoptix™: The Hunt - Centaur
Cyberoptix™: The Hunt - Centaur