towert7: Fall at UMass
towert7: Yellow Gazania at UMass
towert7: Lovely Campus
towert7: Physics Equations
towert7: Royal Purple Orchid
towert7: Still Intact
towert7: Lilly of the Valley
towert7: Just way too cool
towert7: Light Rays
towert7: Stunning
towert7: Wear it proud
towert7: The Setting Sun
towert7: Nice Cape Cod Sun Set
towert7: Innocent Fantasy
towert7: A Beautiful Day
towert7: Cute Squirrel
towert7: Sunset Lightning
towert7: Floating Flower
towert7: Rays of Light
towert7: Pretty flower
towert7: Colorful UMass
towert7: Echinacea & Bee
towert7: Pink Rose
towert7: Peninsula Walkway, Cape Cod
towert7: Fruit Tree in Grey Scale
towert7: I see you!
towert7: Von Metal Detecting