touristaflockheart: how anyone else feels
touristaflockheart: you couldn't possibly know
touristaflockheart: offer you crystals
touristaflockheart: you could come up with nothing
touristaflockheart: gut wrenching
touristaflockheart: positive electrons
touristaflockheart: took notes
touristaflockheart: pressed ourselves up against glass
touristaflockheart: bit into it
touristaflockheart: cracked something on it
touristaflockheart: slept on it
touristaflockheart: made cute faces
touristaflockheart: and it hurt/gave us nitemares
touristaflockheart: i was blinded by the early months
touristaflockheart: but sometimes the dreams were epic
touristaflockheart: sometimes it rained from above
touristaflockheart: and the smoke settled
touristaflockheart: some tried to bury it
touristaflockheart: were loyal to it, still
touristaflockheart: i had legs later on
touristaflockheart: we had bone china
touristaflockheart: and telegraphs
touristaflockheart: we had kitchenaids
touristaflockheart: hung out in night clubs