touchingthelight: 2016_366236 - Web within a Web
touchingthelight: 2014_365294 - Berries in Lattice
touchingthelight: 2014_365290 - Poqueira Gorge Study
touchingthelight: 2014_365266 - Webbed
touchingthelight: 2014_365257 - Albino Conker
touchingthelight: 2014_365176 - Under There Somewhere
touchingthelight: 2014_365118 - Shell Fragment
touchingthelight: 2013_365280 - Webbed
touchingthelight: 2013_365034 - Trametes Fungus
touchingthelight: 2012_366082 - Red Ivy
touchingthelight: 2012_366066 - Pool
touchingthelight: 2011_365067 - Hydroglyphs
touchingthelight: 2010_365320 - Realignment
touchingthelight: 2010_365299 - Feather on Blue
touchingthelight: 2010_365276 - Arachnoverse
touchingthelight: 2010_365242 - Mollusc
touchingthelight: 2010_202067 - Cockle in the Tide
touchingthelight: 2010_365036 - Softly Floating
touchingthelight: 2009_212011 - Organic
touchingthelight: 2009_224068 - Beehive
touchingthelight: 2009_365254 - Apples
touchingthelight: 2008_366338 - Returning to Earth?
touchingthelight: 2008_230030 - Longshore Drift
touchingthelight: 2008_366178 - Woods Mill
touchingthelight: 2008_366152 - Web Nuts and Bolts
touchingthelight: 2008_366033 - Three Friends
touchingthelight: 1999_402089 - Erratic Shells
touchingthelight: 1999_401129 - Lichen Maps
touchingthelight: 1995_100051 - Ice Bubbles
touchingthelight: 1989_401172 - Striped Cliff