Kabacchi: Aurora - 04
Kabacchi: JFE 5th Blast Furnace - 02
Kabacchi: JFE 5th Blast Furnace - 05
Kabacchi: Tokyo HDR - 81
Kabacchi: Museum HDR - 02
Kabacchi: Tokyo HDR - 10
Kabacchi: Tokyo HDR - 11
Kabacchi: Hakozaki Junction - 07
sugapoko: Ooi Wharf
sugapoko: Ooi Wharf
sugapoko: Ooi Wharf
sugapoko: Jet line
qiring: チューリップ
sugapoko: 高架下
sugapoko: 扇町
ajari: Odaiba illumination_08
Jörg Wanderer Photography: Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord
Batram: Bigger Digger
Batram: Bucket-wheel excavator
Formosa Wandering: 石化工業
Formosa Wandering: CiaoTou Sugar Factory
tomonozy: 瞳孔が開いた状態で熱唱する人
Osvaldo_Zoom: Industrial Landscape in a polluted post-industrial age
lo_rez_sky: the empire strikes back
jot.de: the white stairs
stevenarens: forgotten machine
DanielN: Brickworks - 4
mag.m: Rainbow