panĸa: [14/52]
somatyi: summer dream
adél borbély.: week 4/52
Joel Robison: Draw Your Way In
panĸa: [12/52]
panĸa: [11/52]
somatyi: félúton
somatyi: meztelen diplomaták
somatyi: minimal
Joel Robison: “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” - CS Lewis
Joel Robison: Happiness is a journey, not a destination
Juanfer Penagos: Nature boy
Joel Robison: L is for Levitate while being Lazy
Ellwantstoholdyourhand<3: Photographers and Models
wirag: jégvirág
wirag: ~ There is an art, or rather a knack to flying.
bakesz: Ruha szemétből
borcsa*: Bedobozolva
rolandakiroland: betyárizmus