Luca Terracciano: Then life became a burden and a curse
Luca Terracciano: Life glided on with cheerful hope content
Luca Terracciano: The red moon, the wind, your colour
Luca Terracciano: Odd counterpart of sweetness and fury
Luca Terracciano: A lament of love without love
Luca Terracciano: Tired of solitude
Luca Terracciano: Tired of dragging ashore the dead from the malaria swamps
Luca Terracciano: Tired of being cursed in every language
Luca Terracciano: Tired of chains
Luca Terracciano: No one will bring me to the south again
Luca Terracciano: Close encounters
Luca Terracciano: Close encounters
Luca Terracciano: Close encounters
Luca Terracciano: Qua sopra
Luca Terracciano: Là sopra
Luca Terracciano: I live here (if only...)
Luca Terracciano: In the Wood
Luca Terracciano: Herbert Marshall (This is life's sorrow: that one can be happy only where two are; and that our hearts are drawn to stars which want us not)
Luca Terracciano: The Village Atheist (Immortality is not a gift, immortality is an achievement)
Luca Terracciano: William and Emily (There is something about death like love itself)
Luca Terracciano: Dorcas Gustine (The tongue may be an unruly member, but silence poisons the soul)
Luca Terracciano: Minerva Jones (I thirsted so for love! I hungered so for life!)
Luca Terracciano: Flossie Cabanis (In all this place of silence there are no kindred spirits)
Luca Terracciano: Benjamin Pantier (Our story is lost in silence. Go by, mad world!)
Luca Terracciano: Jonathan Swift Somers (Be thankful if in that hour of supreme vision, life does not fiddle)
Luca Terracciano: Elizabeth Childers (Death is better than life)
Luca Terracciano: Pauline Barret (One should be all dead when one is half-dead, nor ever mock life, nor ever cheat love)
Luca Terracciano: Benjamin Fraser (Where neither red, nor gold, nor wine, nor the rhythm of life is known)
Luca Terracciano: Russian Sonia (For my very dust is laughing for thinking of the humorous thing called life)