Yudysun Pratama: BANSUI-En garden
Yudysun Pratama: BANSUI-En garden
Yudysun Pratama: before the rainy season sets in
Yudysun Pratama: June Green
Yudysun Pratama: they are singing ♪
Yudysun Pratama: a stone-lantern & flowers
Yudysun Pratama: The Satuki azaleas in full blossom.
Yudysun Pratama: flower stair
Yudysun Pratama: at close range
Yudysun Pratama: the beginning of the rainy season
Yudysun Pratama: break in the rain
Yudysun Pratama: supporting actors
Yudysun Pratama: fine day
Yudysun Pratama: The moon is waning gibbous.
Yudysun Pratama: Precipitation Probability 100%
Yudysun Pratama: NO RAIN NO CHANGE
Yudysun Pratama: Let's - GUJYO-Odori (DANCE) in KYOTO
Yudysun Pratama: Dance - GUJYO - Odori (DANCE) in KYOTO
Yudysun Pratama: Put on your GETA clogs - GUJYO-Odori (DANCE) in KYOTO
Yudysun Pratama: And dance the ONDO - GUJYO-Odori (DANCE) in KYOTO
Yudysun Pratama: To the song they're playin' on the OHAYASHI
Yudysun Pratama: Let's sway
Yudysun Pratama: While colour lights up your face
Yudysun Pratama: Sway through an empty space to the crowd
Yudysun Pratama: Let's dance Let's dance Let's dance Let's dance Let's dance
Yudysun Pratama: at an antiquarian bookshop
Yudysun Pratama: Manzanilla Micaela
Yudysun Pratama: La masa. / cocina española