The Hantu Blog: reliable chromodoris fidelis
The Hantu Blog: psudobiceros
The Hantu Blog: pseudoceros
The Hantu Blog: pseudobiceros
The Hantu Blog: phyllidia ocellata
The Hantu Blog: maritigrella virgulata
The Hantu Blog: lambrachaeus
The Hantu Blog: iconocaster longimanus
The Hantu Blog: hippocampus comes
The Hantu Blog: hippocampus comes 2
The Hantu Blog: Favorinus pacificus
The Hantu Blog: eurylepta
The Hantu Blog: dermatobranchus
The Hantu Blog: crenavolva
The Hantu Blog: crenavolva
The Hantu Blog: Corythoichthys
The Hantu Blog: commensal crab
The Hantu Blog: Cadlinella ornatissima
The Hantu Blog: blue spotted fan tail ray