The Hantu Blog: Shell Bukom refinery at dawn
The Hantu Blog: Shell Bukom refinery at dawn
The Hantu Blog: Moon over Hantu island
The Hantu Blog: Great biilled Heron (Ardea sumatrana)
The Hantu Blog: Sun rise behind Shell Bukom refinery
The Hantu Blog: Frill-fin goby (Bathygobius sp.)
The Hantu Blog: Mating Common sea star (Archaster typicus)
The Hantu Blog: Explorers
The Hantu Blog: Funeral Nudibranch (Jorunna funebris)
The Hantu Blog: Young eel
The Hantu Blog: Reef flat
The Hantu Blog: Leather coral on the reef flat
The Hantu Blog: Dr. Chua Ee Kiam
The Hantu Blog: Mangrove
The Hantu Blog: Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis)
The Hantu Blog: Peacock-tail anemone shrimp (Periclimenes brevicarpalis)
The Hantu Blog: Peacock-tail anemone shrimp (Periclimenes brevicarpalis)
The Hantu Blog: Mangrove
The Hantu Blog: Swimmer crab
The Hantu Blog: Pulau Hantu Besar Jetty