The Hantu Blog:
Bubble coral recruit (Plerogyra sinuosa)
The Hantu Blog:
Whip coral goby (Bryaninops yongei)
The Hantu Blog:
Polyclad flatworm (Thysanozoon nigropapillosum)
The Hantu Blog:
Candystripe cardinalfishes (Ostorhinchus endekataenia)
The Hantu Blog:
Black-spotted lagoon-gobies (Istigobius goldmanni)
The Hantu Blog:
Punctuated flatworm (Maritigrella fuscopunctata)
The Hantu Blog:
Copperband butterflyfish (Chelmon rostratus)
The Hantu Blog:
Long-beaked butterflyfish
The Hantu Blog:
Massive coral colony
The Hantu Blog:
Massive coral colony
The Hantu Blog:
Merulina ampliata
The Hantu Blog:
Sargassum seaweed
The Hantu Blog:
Pulau Hantu Kecil
The Hantu Blog:
The Hantu Blog:
Gorgonian corals
The Hantu Blog:
Crinoid on a Bryozoan
The Hantu Blog:
Kanga hypselodoris nudibranch on a sponge (Hypselodoris kanga)
The Hantu Blog:
Hypselodoris bullocki
The Hantu Blog:
Hypselodoris bullocki
The Hantu Blog:
Orange-spotted gymnodoris nudibranch (Gymnodoris rubropapulosa)
The Hantu Blog:
Kanga hypselodoris nudibranch (Hypselodoris kanga)
The Hantu Blog:
Slender sapsucking slug